April 2, 2012

mumblings of a muse

But this will change because my goal starting now is to write here at least once a week. I forgot how fun it is to write on a blog that virtually no one reads. Maybe I should become more public with it, but I don't think I'm comfortable (just yet) with letting everyone into my world.
So much has changed in my life. Its been good and bad, sometimes I feel like I'm on a roller coaster of emotions. I have to admit I'm blessed. Good things are finally happening to me and I will NOT take any of this for granted. My self-esteem has shot up 9000% because its become clear to me that people finally believe in me. People think I will go far in life and are giving me these chances. This is really the best feeling in the world because I know its something no one can take away from me. Even though this term I should be graduating, I'm happy I'm staying back to really get involved and give back to my school. I just wish I took these opportunities earlier, but 2 years ago I know I would not have been ready for everything coming my way. I've met so many great people this past year but its sad to think that these people I spent a whole year with are now moving on to bigger and better things. Its sad letting these people into your life for such a short while. Either way I feel blessed getting to know everyone that has been in my life these past few months.
The next 8 months are all about change. I will be out of my so used to comfort zone and will meet new people, face new challenges and get to know myself a lot better. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. The truth is that its not that I want to disappoint myself, I don't want to disappoint the people around me who believed in me and gave me a chance to shine. I will not let these people down. Yes this puts pressure on me but I know I can do it. Its amazing to see how much I have changed in such little time. 3 years ago, I would not think I'd be capable of being a don- RESPONSIBLE for the lives of 40 first years. But I feel as I have matured so much in such a short time.
This post is getting long, but I'm glad I got to address my concerns and fears about the upcoming months. I know I'll be okay because I know I have a great team behind me who will be there with me every step of the way.

Peace Out.
YOLO. (joke of the WEEK)

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