November 27, 2010


This post has nothing to do with tiddlywinks I just thought it was a hilarious word that was worthy of being a blog post title :) But what this post is really about is procrastination. We all do it. Some of love it and some of us hate it and some of us can't help but procrastinate. Sadly, I'm in that last group. I hate procrastinating but I always seem to do it. I hate starting things early because I always tell myself I have alot of time. It gets left to the last minute and then I'm scrambling to get shit done. eff em el. So as I sit here updating my blog just know that I'm currently procrastinating 3 assignments, coupled with sitting here all dressed up and waiting. Grrrrr I hate waiting! By the way this is off topic and totally unrelated but Usher's album raymond vs. raymond is literally all about him talking about how wonderful he is at sex. Seriously. He can't be that good. Homeboy needs to relax and go back to singing about getting bitches at clubs and telling us we don't have to call. Time for me to get back to procrastinating w000000000t.

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