December 31, 2010

fairy tales do come true

Well not always but sometimes life just works its magic. Its the end of the year which means things are coming to an end but my favourite month is coming up. January reminds me of everything I love about life: starting over and learning something new. There's something refreshing about January because it reminds you that people all around you want to make changes to their lives, although alot of people might not stick to their new found changes. I'm not one to really make new year's resolutions because if I want to make a change I don't need the new year to determine my start date; I'll do it whenever. The end of the year gets me excited about what's to come and what I have to look forward to. 2011 seems like it's going to be a good year, especially because I have someone special to share it with. Other than that, I think 2011 will be all about changes for me. I'm going to be 21 this year and even though this may not be a huge deal for some people, to me it means the world. I'm excited about all the new adventures and obstacles life will throw at me this year. 2010 was great; I met alot of new people, I learned who I can really trust and who my real friends are, I learned alot about myself, I learned to take risks because they can pay off and learned that someone up there is listening to everything you wish for. Best of all, I met an amazing person and can't wait to spend 2011 with him. My fairy tale is almost complete. Happy New Year to you all! I hope 2011 is spectacular for everyone  <3

December 5, 2010

it all went wrong

Have you ever had those moments when everything seems to go wrong? Everything seems perfect, everyone around you seems great and then, out of nowhere something triggers you and everything changes. That's happened to me- a lot this week. I don't know why, I don't know what started it all but all I do know is that I'm pretty sure everyone around me thought I was kinda nutty. Maybe its because of exam time. Maybe its because winter has arrived. Maybe its because I don't know how to deal with things. Or maybe I'm having a profound epiphany. Actually probably not but still it was worth a guess. Whatever it is I hope its gone now. When things like this happen to me, I take a step back and look at the bigger picture. I look at what I have to be grateful for rather than what's upsetting me. Call me optimistic (which I don't think is such a bag thing btw), but sometimes its just refreshing to see things from a different perspective. It keeps you in check and reminds you that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. That should be my new mantra: everything is going to be alright. No matter what.

November 30, 2010

this is about everything

Why is it soo gloomy outside? I woke up and thought it was night time. No lie. Why is the weather tricking me by making it look like its cold outside? I go outside and its 12 degrees wtf. The library is packed as usual as I watch all these people be productive, here I am watching Gossip Girl. Go me! You know that good feeling you get after you tell someone something really important that you have been holding in for a while? Well I experienced that a couple of days ago and I have to say I feel SOO much better. I compare it to cleaning my room. Horrible example I know but it works for me because  I'm messy :) I know I haven't written about anything in particular but that's because I haven't had one of those 'AHA' moments, you know, the ones that Oprah always talks about. But when I do I'll definitely blog about it. Promise. Wow, it looks like I make alot of promises BUT I keep them :) tooodles kids

November 27, 2010


This post has nothing to do with tiddlywinks I just thought it was a hilarious word that was worthy of being a blog post title :) But what this post is really about is procrastination. We all do it. Some of love it and some of us hate it and some of us can't help but procrastinate. Sadly, I'm in that last group. I hate procrastinating but I always seem to do it. I hate starting things early because I always tell myself I have alot of time. It gets left to the last minute and then I'm scrambling to get shit done. eff em el. So as I sit here updating my blog just know that I'm currently procrastinating 3 assignments, coupled with sitting here all dressed up and waiting. Grrrrr I hate waiting! By the way this is off topic and totally unrelated but Usher's album raymond vs. raymond is literally all about him talking about how wonderful he is at sex. Seriously. He can't be that good. Homeboy needs to relax and go back to singing about getting bitches at clubs and telling us we don't have to call. Time for me to get back to procrastinating w000000000t.

November 25, 2010


So peeps its that wonderful time of the year again, and no I'm not talking about Christmas. But I wish I was talking about Christmas, I'd do almost anything for a delicious shortbread cookie right about now lol. Nope guys, its EXAM TIME! woooo! I personally am a horrible exam taker (is that even a phrase?) so yes, I despise exam time. Coupled with it being negative zero ;) and constantly dark every time I look out the window, all I wanna do is curl up in my semi-warm bed, watch Mad Men with a peppermint mocha. And to make things worse, I finish exams on the last day- never fails, thanks uw.  So while I'm studying till my head explodes, you guys can enjoy the horrid weather, the snow and some timmies. I'm envious of you all. All I really have to look forward too is 9 days of xmas break. Yup you read that right, NINE days. Thanks again uw. But hey, staying here till the last day does comes with its perks :)

November 23, 2010

bitches love smiley faces

So I've been contemplating this blog for a looooonnnnngg time and someone has FINALLY pushed me to make my own :) I guess it makes sense cuz I'm such a blog groupie haha. So don't expect too much from this blog...just yet lol and I'm pretty sure I only have one reader right now but its all good. Hopefully this blog will keep me entertained cuz it seems all the boys (ahem, ahem) are into call of duty aka 'that girlfriend stealing game'. I'll try to keep thing fresh while I write 4 papers and study for exams AND keep up with my shows. I really wish I were more interesting and knew what to talk about in my very first blog post lol. OH WELL it'll get better, I promise. Tooodles bitches. =)