December 19, 2013

Oh cool, people actually read this.

Well thanks followers for reading my blog.

Mucho appreciated, friends.



Blog once a week. At least.

Challenge accepted.

Bring it on 2014.


I always say this but it's literally been a while.

I need a vacation.  Somewhere warm would be nice.

I'm over worked and stressed. See point above.

Christmas is here! Yay presents!

Peace out, A-town.

August 17, 2013



I always say I'll make more of an effort to blog but then life gets in the way... excuses, excuses.

No promises this time, but I'll TRY to blog more. Trying counts for something, right?

So what's been going on with me you ask? Instead of writing out paragraphs, I shall use a bulletted list:
  • Working at UW 
  • Moving at the end of the month to a HUGE room. FINALLY BRO.
  • I discovered 8tracks. ZOMG BEST. SITE. EVER. Follow me.
  • I've realized that being in Waterloo for 5+ years means a lot of my friends are moving back home :( time to make new friends I guess...
  • Relationships are overrated
  • In addition to my above point, it's time for ME to be selfish for once (but not too selfish)
  • I still love Britney Spears. Y'all can't say shit about her.
  • Guys that try to hook up with you and have a gf. LIKE WTF. Not every girl is trying to be a home wrecker. 
  • My new phrase to define everything that happens at work "FUCK THIS SHIT"
I could write so much more but then this post will be uber long. 

Peace out interwebs.